Dave Rumney

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Photo Gallery

Making fresh tracks up the Glacier Blanc heading for the Barre des Ecrins

Making fresh tracks up the Glacier Blanc heading for the Barre des Ecrins
© Dave Rumney

in a spectacular position, negotiating the guano. Fantan B

in a spectacular position, negotiating the guano. Fantan B
© Dave Rumney

Andy at the top of Via Steger in Bregaglia - August 2008

Andy at the top of Via Steger in Bregaglia - August 2008
© Dave Rumney

Jim Jones eyeing up another move away from the gear

Jim Jones eyeing up another move away from the gear
© Dave Rumney

A bit of a wild day below

A bit of a wild day below
© Dave Rumney

Great exposure on on the East face of the Naranjo

Great exposure on on the East face of the Naranjo
© Dave Rumney

The Scream...

The Scream...
© Dave Rumney

Dave Rumney

Dave Rumney
© Jim Jones

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