Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1044m a.s.l
Faces N

Arrow Chimney IV pitch 3 on Meall nan Tarmachan (Creag an Lochan) for Hughes Mountaineering © Adam Hughes

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munros, Marilyns, El-mo, Funros, STAUMC Ticklist, UK 3000ers hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 585 logbooks.

Hill features

A peak with a number of crags down by the loch. 

Arrow Buttress is the steep prominent buttress first reached when crossing the dam. Routes start on the south face behind and just above the dam with several on the east side facing the lochan. There are several routes on Arrow Buttress the most obvious being the deep gully on the right that contains the route Dambusters.

Further North are the crags of An Innean, Coire nan Easan, An Caisteal, Y Gully & Coire Tuath. These lie 500m North of Arrow Buttress. The main face is 600m long and 200m high and is characterised by the following features (from left to right):

An Innean (The Anvil): a shapely buttress with a steep triangular base immediately below the summit.

Coire nan Easan: the hanging corrie with its distinctive waterfalls.

An Caisteal: The square tower on top of the ridge defining Coire nan Easan on the right.

Y Gully: Drains the central mass of lower angled broken ground to the right of An Caisteal.

Coire Tuath (North Coire): The northerly section of the face drained by a big right-facing corner.

Approach notes

Drive up to where the Ben Lawers visitor centre carpark used to be, there should be plenty space here.

Working on this, if the season permits hopefully have something by early 2016.
paulpitcher - 07/Aug/15
Is there a topo?
terrarob - 18/Dec/12
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