Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 398m a.s.l
Faces N

Slightly misguided training for Troll Wall © Mark Davis

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Dartmoor Tors, Trail 100, Dartmoor Tors Compendium, Dartmoor scratch map hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 100 logbooks.

Hill features

Hound Tor is a popular place for many reasons.

First made famous after Sherlock Holmes' encounter with a grim and fearfull beast that can still be seen on nights with a full moon. In recent times its popularity stems from its sheep trimmed lawns which are a pinicing paradise (great place for the family while you climb), the large car park and the views from the summit, all of which bring holidaymakers from far and wide.

A huge number of scrambles and easier problems are possible, however to avoid uncessarily clutter, not all of them need to be written up, please use discretion.

Route Cards

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