Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 402m a.s.l
Faces N

left to right. Dogon E4 5c and Bobangi E7 6c. © Tom Last

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Dartmoor Tors, Dartmoor Tors Compendium hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 27 logbooks.

Hill features

The tor is found on the hillside beyond Holwell Quarry and comprises several large perched boulders. There are some excellent routes to be found here and surprisingly, this hillside is home to a couple of Dartmoor's hardest routes.

Approach notes

Park at the main Haytor car park. From there, the disused railway leads past Haytor Quarry and across the moor westwards. After around 1 mile, a branch of the railway descends rightwards. Follow this for a further 5 minutes downhill until it finishes in the Holwell Quarry. From here, follow a narrow path past the right-hand side of the quarry and contour across the hillside where the large boulders become evident.

There are alternative approach betas but the most common if Haytor is busy is to park at the Saddle Tor North (East) parking and walk about 1.5km straight out passing Emsworthy Rocks.

Route Cards

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