Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 744m a.s.l
Faces N

Marti Hallett on the tricky mid-section of Samson (HVS) at High Crag (from the Lake District Climbs Rockfax). © Mike HUtton

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Wainwrights, Nuttalls, Hewitts, England's 2000ers, Lakeland 100 hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 561 logbooks.

Hill features

Superb selection of medium grade routes on superb rock.

Approach notes

From Gatesgarth Farm, walk uphill for 45mins. The farmer will charge £4 to park off road but there are other spaces nearby.

Route Cards

Buttermere Horseshoe

14.23 miles, 1,874m ascent, 9 hours. Keswick or Cockermouth

List more walks, runs & bike rides
Recommend taking two ropes for an abseil. The descent otherwise = follow obvious worn heather path to the left edge of the crag (bit exposed, but okay in climbing shoes) until a square trough corner appears in the heather at your feet for you to scramble down ( this looks easy and is at first until it ends up on a square grass platform near the bottom). Three options from grass platform: 1, recommmended, downclimb the shortest chimney on your right (good holds do appear) 2, scramble down the continuation rocks (bit awkward and precarious). 3, if wearing tweeds throw yourself into the holdless chimney and slide down! Lovely crag, sensational views of Buttermere and Crummock Water.
jimorothy - 24/May/10
The best crag in the Lake district. Lovely rock a texture and situation. I might have been a bit windy on the day but still feel that Philistine is a bit run-out for E1.
tom valentine - 27/Jul/08
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