Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 736m a.s.l
Faces N

The Langdale Pikes © Nicholas Livesey

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Wainwrights, Nuttalls, Hewitts, Bob Graham Round, England's 2000ers, Lakeland 100 hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 1,059 logbooks.

Approach notes

Approach from Stickle Barn and follow the path up to Stickle Tarn. From here the East face is on show. Alternative approach after leaving Stickle Tarn car park turn off on the path for Gimmer and Raven East Crags, strike of North up over Pike Howe on the ride flank of Dungeon Ghyll. Harrison Stickles South and South east face is directly above.

Route Cards

The Langdale Pikes via Jack's Rake

4.54 miles, 856m ascent, 4 – 6 hours. Ambleside

Bob Graham Round: 3 Dunmail to Wasdale

15.20 miles, 2,024m ascent, 6 – 7 hours. Ambleside

4*Trail Running
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Where the directions above say "follow the Dungeon Gill path until level with the double waterfall", the word "level" means "alongside" and not "at the same height as".
Steve Lenartowicz - 26/Jul/15
This crag is rather neglected, it seems, but some recent additions (particularly Treasure & Pied Piper Direct) make it a good venue for climbers of modest ambitions. A lot of the routes, unfortunately, peter out into scrambling towards the top, but on the plus side the rock is superb up to that point, and the position and outlook are a constant delight. The crag also catches most of the sun available. Advice to first time visitors: follow the Dungeon Gill path until level with the double waterfall. Leave the path and find your way up to the point where the crag changes direction abruptly. The fiendish-looking Waller's Crack is seen up to the left and the square-cut recess where Harristickorner starts is prominent at the left end of a superb looking wall of steep rock. The ledge leading to Treasure and Pied Piper starts here.
Rog Wilko - 16/Jul/15
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