Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1022m a.s.l
Faces N

Buachaille Etive Mor from Beinn a'Chrulaiste © uistgr

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munros, Marilyns, Trail 100, Funros, UK 3000ers, TGO Finest 40, Munro list Peter and Binny Ridgway hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 1,297 logbooks.

Hill features

Rannoch Wall offers middle grade climbs of huge exposure and verticality in an impressive situation with a huge outlook over the Rannoch Moor. Great rock and quick drying with good early morning sunshine. Agags Groove is a classic V Diff route which traverses the face graded VII in winter. January Jigsaw(S), Whortleberry Wall(HVS), Line Up(HVS), and Direct Route (S) are all three star classics worthy of anyone's attention.

Approach notes

From the waterslide slabs a path zig-zags to the foot of D-Gully buttress and then curves right past Curved Ridge to the Wall.

Found some gear, email me to get it back to you :)
Benny1612 - 30/Sep/23
Central buttress south face, abseil tat in place at top and midway, August 2014
abbeywall - 02/Sep/14
Abseil sling in place above engineers crack. Seems sound as 18/7/14
uphillnow - 19/Jul/14
Brand new black abseil sling added to the big spike on Pegleg 9th Oct. 2010. Please leave. Ian Jones
Ian Jones - 10/Oct/10
Curved Ridge is not on the east face of North Buttress.
Andy Moles - 16/Sep/09
Agags Groove is 'old' IV, now VII, 7 or something. So watch out! MacInnes and Bonnington sandbagging a touch...
I am the God of Stratheyre - 22/May/05
Can't agree with the comment about Ravens Edge being 'poor in summer'. A few rattly holds, yes, but the line is excellent, the climbing really atmospheric and you get a cracking view of the upper part of Shibboleth at close hand across the void of Ravens Gully. Reasonably intimidating but a must for the connoiseur of mountain VS.....
GFoz - 22/Dec/03
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