Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1130m a.s.l
Faces N

sunset on Ben Lui © tracy.m

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Marilyns, Munros, Trail 100, Funros, Britain's Major Mountains, UK 3000ers, Lomond & Trosachs National Parks Munro summits. (The Ian Simpson round FKT), TGO Finest 40 hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 480 logbooks.

Hill features

Ben Lui has the classic shape of a fine mountain when viewed from Tyndrum. The two summits are linked by the short ridge running South. Ben Lui was the fore front in the birth of Scottish Winter climbing due to its easy access from Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Coire Goathach provides the finest Winter Climbing on Ben Lui, Central Gully being the classic Scottish Winter gully.

Approach notes

Start at the carpark at Dalrigh (344 290) follow the private track from there to Cononish Farm, if your lucky you may get a lift off the farmer. However it is a nice walk in with spectacular views into Coire Gaothach of Ben Lui permitting the cloudlevel is high. It is possible to cycle in as well. A path then starts from Cononish and heads West for 2km to the foot of Coire Gaothach. At this stage you will see the full face of Ben Lui with all relevant routes leading to the summit. Climb directly into the corrie using a path on the northwest side of the burn to the foot of Central Gully, the classic Scottish Winter climb on Ben Lui.

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