Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 341m a.s.l
Faces N

Hot cyrstals © sim.monkey

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Dartmoor Tors Compendium hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 19 logbooks.

Hill features

As of 2024 many old problems have been given proper names for the publication of the guidebook. Problem numbers for Javu, Climbers Club Dartmoor (2017) and Boulder Britain are given in descriptions for all problems.

This small but good venue is just a stone's throw from the ever-popular Bonehill Rocks and is always dead quiet (due to the walk-in being 5 minutes longer, i.e. 5 whole minutes). There are some excellent problems which hold their own with some of the best on the moor. Some problems are high and or with poor landings (attempts have been made to identify these) so be careful.

Approach notes

Park at the most North / West Bonehill car park. A bridle-path opposite leads north across the hillside. Follow this for 60m or so then take an obvious small path through the bracken on the right, which leads to the rocks 300m up the hill.

Route Cards

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Great crag for bouldering if Bonehill is busy!
space monkey - 27/Sep/09
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