Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 1004m a.s.l
Faces N

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Munros, Marilyns, El-mo, UK 3000ers hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 462 logbooks.

Hill features

Three extensive cliffs hidden from the nearby Bridge of Orchy road provide excellent winter climbing and give reliable conditions given a half decent snow cover. Two large buttresses - North Buttress and West Buttress both feature classic routes like Taxus (III) an excellent gully climb, West Buttress (III) and Menage a Trois (V). 

Approach notes

Park at the new carpark at the head of the Achallader Farm road. Rather than walk down the track, a signpost indicates a very rough track which heads right and then parallel to the track. Follow this until the old path is reached just short of the rainway which is crossed and followed before bearing right into the Coire higher up. 

Anyone got an up to date topo? The old Ochills one appear to be broken. Cheers, D.
DannyC - 13/Jan/17
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