Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 278m a.s.l
Faces N

Niamh going feet first on Batwoman 6C © Sid Sherborne

Summit of this hill

This summit is listed in Marilyns, Old County Tops, WUCC Must Do Local Climbs, Old County Tops of England & Wales hill lists.

This summit has been climbed in 49 logbooks.

Hill features

The highest point in Leicestershire and also the location of some good bouldering.

Topo available on Leicestershire Bouldering.

Approach notes

Park courtesously on Romans Crescent. Walk down Vercor Close and on to the footpath. Follow the path straight through two gates until you come to a warning sign about the quarry. Turn left here then turn right after the yellow painted boulder. Follow this path steeply up to the top of the hill and through another gate. The boulders are on the hillside south of the radio mast. Viewranger Map.

Route Cards

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