Scottish Winter Climbs West

Author Neil Adams
Published Scottish Mountaineering Club (2022)
ISBN 978-1-907233-42-5



Covering not only the classic winter climbing venues of Glen Coe and Ben Nevis, but spanning from the Southern Uplands all the way to the rugged hinterland of Knoydart and Glen Shiel beyond, Scottish Winter Climbs West is a grand tour of the best winter climbing destinations across western Scotland.

With over 1300 routes and an abundance of new lines covering both familiar and lesser-known crags, its scope and range offers options for climbing across all levels and styles and in almost all conditions. Crag and route information is accompanied by high-resolution photographic topos, beautifully rendered maps and detailed advice on conditions to help you be in the right place at the right time.

Crags covered by this Guide
Argyll and Bute crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Am Bodach 4 - N
An t-Sron 19 Andesite all
Beinn a' Bheithir - Sgorr Bhan 5 - all
Beinn a' Bheithir - Sgorr Dhearg 8 - all
Beinn a' Chreachain 16 - all
Beinn Achaladair 10 Mica schist all
Beinn an Dothaidh 35 Schist all
Beinn an Lochain 32 Mica schist all
Beinn Chuirn 3 - all
Beinn Dorain 18 Schist all
Beinn Fhionnlaidh 5 Ice S
Beinn Ime 25 Mica schist all
Beinn Udlaidh 51 Schist all
Ben Cruachan 33 Granite N
Ben Cruachan - Drochaid Ghlas 11 Granite N
Ben Donich 9 Mica schist all
Ben More 3 Schist all
Ben Starav 13 Granite all
Ben Vorlich 4 - all
Creag Coire an Dothaidh 15 Schist W
Creag Tharsuinn 35 Mica schist S
Creag Tharsuinn 4 - all
Eilde Canyon 20 Ice ?
Meall Bhuidhe 16 Mica schist all
Stob Coire Sgreamhach - Beinn Fhada 9 - all
Stob Ghabhar 11 - E
The Brack 41 Mica schist E
The Cobbler 163 Mica schist all
The Lost Valley (Coire Gabhail) 77 Rhyolite NE
Arran crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
A'Chir 43 Granite all
Beinn Nuis 13 Granite all
Caisteal Abhail 39 Granite all
Cir Mhor 75 Granite all
Dumfries and Galloway crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Clints of the Spout 6 Granite E
Craignaw 34 - all
Dungeon Hill 39 Granite all
Grey Mare's Tail 3 Ice SE
Merrick 34 - all
Rhinns of Kells 18 Granite all
East Dunbartonshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Earl's Seat 3 - all
Glasgow crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Coire of Balgass 2 - ?
Hebrides crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ainshval 5 - all
Hallival 6 Gabbro all
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Am Bodach 6 Schist all
Aonach air Chrith 12 Schist all
Aonach Beag 83 Schist all
Aonach Beag - Stob Choire Bhealach 6 - all
Aonach Dubh 241 Andesite all
Aonach Eagach - Sgorr nam Fiannaidh 26 Rhyolite all
Aonach Mor 134 Granite all
Askival 48 Gabbro all
Beinn a' Bheithir - Sgorr Dhonuill 8 - all
Beinn Fhada - Sgurr a' Choire Ghairbh 20 - all
Ben Nevis 523 Andesite all
Bidean nam Bian 93 Rhyolite all
Bidean nam Bian - Stob Coire nam Beith 65 Andesite all
Bidean nam Bian - Stob Coire nan Lochan 105 Andesite all
Buachaille Etive Mor 316 Rhyolite all
Buachaille Etive Mor - Stob Coire Altruim 9 - all
Carn Mor Dearg 12 Granite all
Creach Bheinn 20 - all
Creise - Clach Leathad 7 - all
Creise - Stob a' Ghlais Choire 14 - all
Druim Shionnach 49 - all
Garbh Bheinn 62 Gneiss all
Gearr Aonach 86 Rhyolite SE
Ladhar Bheinn 30 - ?
Ladhar Bheinn - Stob a' Chearcaill 3 Schist all
Mullach nan Coirean 24 Granite all
Sgor na h-Ulaidh 11 Rhyolite all
Sgurr an Lochain 9 Ice all
Sgurr Fhuaran - Sgurr nan Saighead 22 - all
Sgurr Finnisg-aig 3 - NE
Sgurr Ghiubhsachain 11 - all
Sgurr nan Coireachan 5 Schist all
Sgurr nan Conbhairean 8 Psammite all
Steall Hut Crag, Glen Nevis 25 Mica schist ?
Steall Hut Ruins Falls 1 Ice S
Stob Ban 29 Mica schist all
Stob Coire an Laoigh 55 Quartzite all
Stob Coire Sgreamhach 18 Andesite all
The Saddle 10 Schist all
Trallval 26 Gabbro all
Perthshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Beinn Sheasgarnaich 14 Schist all
Meall nan Tarmachan 23 Schist all
Meall nan Tarmachan - Meall Garbh 31 - all
Stirlingshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ben Lomond 28 Schist all
Ben Lui (Beinn Laoigh) 13 Schist all
Eagle Falls 1 - E

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