Scottish Rock - South

Scottish Rock - South
Author Gary Latter
Published Pesda Press (2017)
ISBN 978-1-906095-58-1



A selected guide to over 1600 routes in the Highlands & Islands south of the Great Glen. Scrambles, trad & sport climbs. 220 full colour topos. Area maps. Full colour action photos. 480 pages.

New in the second edition:

There have been numerous grade adjustments, improvements in descriptions, some topo corrections and new topos. Several less popular crags and cliffs have been removed, freeing up additional space for the inclusion of over 120 additional routes. There are also over 60 new photos.

Crags covered by this Guide
Aberdeenshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ben Macdui - Creagan a' Choire Etchachan 91 Granite all
Eagles Rock 30 Granite SW
Lochnagar 329 Granite all
Pass of Ballater 297 Granite S
Angus crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Juanjorge 13 Granite S
Red Craig (Glen Clova) 215 Diorites W
Argyll and Bute crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Allt Doire-Bheith, Glencoe 13 Andesite SE
Ardvorlich 12 Schist W
Beinn Trilleachan (Etive Slabs) 56 Granite SE
Creag a' Bhancair 40 Rhyolite W
Creag nam Fitheach, Knapdale 26 Epidiorite S
Creag Tharsuinn 35 Mica schist S
Erraid Crags 251 Granite S
Glen Croe 65 Mica schist S
Meall Bhuidhe 16 Mica schist all
Scoor 109 Schist all
The Anvil 25 Schist SW
The Bendy, Glencoe 10 Andesite SE
The Brack 41 Mica schist E
The Cobbler 163 Mica schist all
Tolkein Crag 10 Gneiss SW
Arran crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
A'Chir 43 Granite all
Caisteal Abhail 39 Granite all
Cioch na h-Oighe 15 Granite E
Goatfell 15 Granite all
Hebrides crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Fionnphort 29 Granite S
Raven's Crag, Iona 30 Gneiss SW
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aonach Dubh 241 Andesite all
Ardnamurchan Point 23 Gabbro NW
Ben Nevis 523 Andesite all
Bidean nam Bian 93 Rhyolite all
Bidean nam Bian - Stob Coire nan Lochan 105 Andesite all
Binnein Shuas 61 Microgranite all
Buachaille Etive Mor 316 Rhyolite all
Creag Dubh (Newtonmore) 213 Schist S
Garbh Bheinn 62 Gneiss all
Indian Slab Crag 20 Gneiss N
Meall an Fhir-Eoin 87 Gabbro SW
Meall Meadhoin 15 Gabbro SW
Pine Alp & Blar Ban Crags 30 Mica schist NW
Polldubh Crags, Glen Nevis 547 Mica schist all
Sgurr nan Gabhar 10 Gabbro SW
Stac An Eich 24 Granite W
Steall Gorge Crags, Glen Nevis 45 Mica schist all
Steall Meadows Crags, Glen Nevis 52 Mica schist SW
Whale Rock, Glen Nevis 18 Mica schist NW
Invernesshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Cairn Gorm - Stob Coire an t-Sneachda 216 Granite N
Conagleann 30 Quartzite SE
Dirc Mhor 45 Microgranite NW
Duntelchaig 270 Gneiss W
Huntly's Cave 32 Schist NE
Moray crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Hell's Lum 102 Granite SE
Shelterstone Crag 85 Granite NE
Stac an Fharaidh 58 Granite SE
Perthshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Dunira 10 Mica schist S
Glen Lednock, Creag na h-Iolaire 48 Granite SW
Glen Ogle Sport Crags 150 Schist ?
Polney Crag (Craig a Barns) 117 Schist SW
Weem Crags 100 Schist S
Ross & Cromarty crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Creag Ghlas 29 Schist SW
Stirlingshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Crystal Crag 8 Mica schist W

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