Bus from Oslo Torp to Rjukan

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 matt.woodfield 23 Jan 2015
Does anyone know whether you have to book the bus from Oslo Torp Airport to Rjukan?
Any tips appreciated from those who have made the journey.
 summo 23 Jan 2015
In reply to matt.woodfield:
The "Rjukan Express" - google translate this, it goes from Oslo city. http://www.nor-way.no/vaare-billetter/rjukanekspressen-rjukan-notodden-pors...

From the Sandefjord Torp Airport it is also possible to travel to Rjukan via Porsgrunn, which saves travelling into Oslo itself. There are trains and buses from the airport to Porsgrunn and pick up the Rjukan Express bus from there. It does obviously take longer and a flight earlier in the day takes the stress out of connections.

I'm pretty sure booking of either is not required.
Post edited at 17:53
 matthew 24 Jan 2015
In reply to summo:
"Rjukan Express" English version here :
I wouldn't think you'll need to book for the bus. (For trains though, check if economy advance tickets are available).
 summo 24 Jan 2015
In reply to matthew: > "Rjukan Express" English version here :

If I can't follow the lingo, I generally translate the original article, as often their 'English' versions are very much watered down and you don't get the same amount of info. But, I've looked at their English version and it's pretty good, very tourist friendly.

Thankfully I don't need either, as I can drive there from home.

OP, keeping bumping/pushing your trip on here, you aren't likely to be the only climber travelling that way and you might be able to bum a lift in a car. Keep searching the various lift sharing sites too.
Thanks all
 patsaunders 31 Jan 2015
In reply to matt.woodfield:

I did it a few years ago, really easy you just turn up no need to book. You will need to change at porsgrunn. The drivers are really helpful, on the return journey I was the only one on the bus and he made me a coffee, also the snow was really bad and he knew I would miss my connection so he rang his office and took a short cut as there were no other passengers.

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