NEWS: New Survey Examines Mountain Accidents

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 UKC/UKH News 28 Nov 2023

A survey has been launched which it is hoped will give organisations interested in safety in the hills more insight into the causes of accidents. The information could be used to help better inform the public about safety, perhaps ultimately reducing the number of incidents and taking some pressure from Mountain Rescue Teams across the UK and Ireland.  

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 rice boy 29 Nov 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Great initiative.  I'm always struck by the shear numbers of people getting out into the hills nowadays.  It's encouraging that more people are valuing the space but also seems like the odds are upped for accidents to happen.

I've had to call MR 250 m from the main road before.  Family walks!!  Turns out they need planning too, particularly when age range is 6 to 66...

 malcolm.harris 30 Nov 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Glad this survey is happening. After the incident I was involved with in 2018 I was shocked there was nothing like this to report to. It has actually been a weight off my shoulders to fill it in. This is great work- thank you to all involved.

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