Where to buy climbing shoes in London?

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I'm in London this week and am in the market for a new pair of shoes as I've fallen out with my Scarpa Instincts. Any suggestions of quality places to try and buy? 

I realise it's a big place so to narrow it down I'll be bouldering at Stronghold London Fields and largely around that area.

Many thanks

 Iamgregp 23 Nov 2023
In reply to OneBeardedWalker:

You're not to far from Mile End Climbing Wall there - only 1 stop on the Central line from Bethnal Green.  Rock On there has one of the most extensive ranges of all the London shops.

In reply to Iamgregp:

Brilliant thank you. I'll go to Rock On.


 Iamgregp 23 Nov 2023
In reply to OneBeardedWalker:

No worries.  Actually come to think of it if you walk down to the canal opposite Stonghold and walk left along the towpath, that'll take you directly to Mile End wall in about 20 minutes.  Conveniently passing one of the best pubs in the world, The Palm Tree, along the way. 

 SXPembs 24 Nov 2023
In reply to OneBeardedWalker:

Rock On at Mile End would be my suggestion too. I don't know how that shop packs so much useful stuff into so little space. It is indeed perfectly walkable from Stronghold LF and will take you right along the canal

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