REVIEW: DMM Mantis belay device

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 UKC Gear 03 Mar 2017
Lowering on a 9.7mm single - the deep rope grooves give plenty of grip, 4 kbIt's light, it offers loads of grip for secure belaying, and it works smoothly on a range of rope diameters - what's not to like? Dan Bailey takes a look this simple but effective belay device from DMM.

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 nufkin 03 Mar 2017
In reply to UKC Gear:

What's it like used 'backwards' (dead rope over the smooth side, rather than the grooves)? Any better for thicker ropes, or unnecessary? Do DMM have an opinion on whether it's even a good idea or not?
 Otis 03 Mar 2017
In reply to UKC Gear:

Hurrah-and about time! Would happily have bought one of these a year or so ago when they were first announced. Ended up with the pivot instead, which is lovely to belay with. I reckon the mantis would be great for 99% of the time for me, but I can't justify buying another shiny toy now I have my pivot (can't I?!?)
 beardy mike 03 Mar 2017
In reply to UKC Gear:

Bought one at UCR yesterday as I left my main belay device at the place in Italy, and was impressed with it. Was using a 10mm single and it was smooth to pay out - was grabby a couple of times, but I think that is down to using a new device as much as anything else. Certainly an improvement on my previous tuber device...
 Dr.S at work 03 Mar 2017
In reply to beardy mike:

> Certainly an improvement on my previous tuber device...

I'm surprised your partners have not all collected their Chips!

I'll get me coat.......
 beardy mike 03 Mar 2017
In reply to Dr.S at work:


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