NEW REVIEW: Women's Soft Shell Jackets

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 UKC Gear 27 Oct 2010
3 jackets being tested by female opinion, 4 kbThree softshell jackets are subjected to the elements, steep slopes and female opinion: the Mountain Hardwear Callisto, North Face Gritstone and the Westcomb Skeen.

 TobyA 28 Oct 2010
In reply to UKC Gear: Sarah, you wrote:
"Belaying on the windy ledge at Seal Slab I was warm in the Skeena, and glad of the hood to pull up over my head (the only one with a hood) – except it doesn't fit over a helmet which is annoying if you're belaying in a sudden chill wind."

That's really interesting because the Westcomb website claims exactly the opposite:
"Fixed Storm Hood - The 3-point adjustable hood is roomy enough to wear over a helmet, yet cinches comfortably down when worn without one. Bungee cord on each side of the hood and a third in back simply adjust with one-handed ease, keeping your other hand ready for the unexpected."

Reading Westcomb's description of the Skeena, it comes over as a very high end piece of gear - hence the price. I guess it's a bit similar to the Marmot (hard)softshell I reviewed last winter. Hence if you bought one and found that the hood wasn't helmet compatible that would be real disappointment for such a top end piece (with a price to match!). What helmet were you using it with? Was it a particularly high volume model? Really if a hood says helmet compatible I feel it should fit all helmets, but if you have something like an Ecrin or an Ultralight, I guess it might not fit them but might still fit more modern designs?

I know its hard reviewing something probably designed more for winter in the summer, but can you say more about the material? Having a hybrid eVent/dryskin jacket obviously a big part of the price - but is it worth it? Can you pretty much dump a hardshell because it will keep you dry in the rain?
 climbingpixie 28 Oct 2010
In reply to TobyA:

> I know its hard reviewing something probably designed more for winter in the summer, but can you say more about the material? Having a hybrid eVent/dryskin jacket obviously a big part of the price - but is it worth it? Can you pretty much dump a hardshell because it will keep you dry in the rain?

I think you're straying into irrelevences here Toby. All us girlies want to know is whether the colours are pretty and do our bums look big in it, all questions Sarah has answered admirably in her usual inimitable style.
 TobyA 28 Oct 2010
In reply to climbingpixie: I've read that three times and still can't decide if you are being sarcy or not... :-/

Putting on my very dull hat, I was just surprised that Westcomb would make a claim (about the hood) that isn't right. I was impressed with them from the couple of items I reviewed last year, hence my surprise here.
 fishinwater 29 Oct 2010
In reply to TobyA:
I too was suprised at the fact the hood was small - and yes, not good for such an expensive piece.It should fit over any helmet for that price. I was wearing the Camp armour lady that I reviewed recently - not large by any stretch of the imagination.

The two materials had different waterproofness - the 'dryskin' is that, but the 'event' is designed more for breathability and windproofness. So it can take a heavy shower but not a torrential downpour.Don't dump your hardshell.
 BelleVedere 30 Oct 2010
In reply to UKC Gear:

I'm still moer drawn to this in the flesh - it's almost worth trading the boy in for

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