What's the best way to get off a social networking site?

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Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
I've no idea why I am on LinkedIn-- I don't recall joining-- but I would like not to be for all the reasons that you will discover by googling "social networking privacy". Or indeed by googling "pointless waste of time" or "bloody nuisance".

I've followed their standard procedure for getting off, at least I think I have, and I still seem to be there.

Hints, anyone?
 graeme jackson 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell: Use the 'OFF' button.
Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to graeme jackson:

??? I can't see an off button. Or is that a joke?
 Tall Clare 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell:

If you go to 'settings' in the top left corner and click on 'close my account' does that not delete your profile?

Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to Tall Clare:

This is the page I've got:


No settings button.
 Tall Clare 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell:

if you log in to your account (they should be able to send an email reminder to the email address they've got for you) tehn teh 'settings' button is in the top right corner, next to the 'log out' button.
Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to summo:

The dilemma is this: it won't let me delete my account without logging in. But I can't log in because (AFAIK) I never set up this account, and so don't have any login details. And I can't get login details without... setting up an account.

I bet they get hundreds of people this way.
 Tall Clare 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell:

try using your usual 'work' email address to log in.

I had a strange experience whereby I'd signed up with my work address, but it somehow obtained my personal email address and ended up connecting me with people with whom I'm friends but with whom I have precisely nothing in common, professionally. Most odd.
Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to Tall Clare:

I'm a bit wary of putting my email address in there, as it might generate hundreds of unwanted emails, which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. But if they don't take the account down soon, I might follow your suggestion.

Well, thanks for the help, anyway.
 summo 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell: can you not pretend you forgot your password and try a variety of your email address and see if you get a reminder? Or is there another Tim Chappell who really owns the profile?
Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to summo:

No, one of them is definitely me... anyway, I think I've closed the account now.

Quick harrumph: the closing the account process asks you to give a reason. Intrusive questions on websites really annoy me. Like those online airlines that won't let you buy a ticket without saying why you want to fly. None of their business as far as I'm concerned.
 Green Porridge 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell:

So lie. Not only do you retain your privacy, but you get to do their figures over too

 Milesy 27 May 2010
In reply to Tim Chappell:

Linked in is a genuine site uses by business and professionals. You might have forgot but you must have opened it lol
Tim Chappell 27 May 2010
In reply to Green Porridge:

Oh, I do lie. On principle. They are extorting information to which they have no right; therefore, I make sure it's misinformation.

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