hemp seeds

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 gingerkate 15 May 2005
I thought hemp was cannabis, so how come sainbury's sell hemp seeds?
And do the seeds not have any of the whatever it is in?
And can I plant them (instead of sprinkling them on bread I'm baking, as the packet suggests) or is that a bit illegal?
Or is it another variety of hemp?
 marie 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: Not sure, but my ex ex used to boil hemp seeds and take them fishing...
OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to marie:
For the fish, or to while away teh tedium?
 gwilym 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: I think the seeds are legal but germinating them isn't
 marie 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: No lol, for the fish...

He used to boil it to make the cases break and the roots just show and then catapult them into the water...

Apparently the fish love it...
OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to gwilym:
I don't even smoke, and the temptation is unbearable... how they expect smokers to resist planting them is beyond me.
Unless they've secretly jumped up and down on them first or something so as they won't germinate.

OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to marie:
So don't the seeds have any of the stuff in then? I am imagining all these happily stoned fish, swimming dazedly round talking to each other about how beautiful that shiny silver hooky thing is...
 marie 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: I have no idea... but I imagine the fish to be doing the same!

Hey duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, look at the pretty silver thing..... comin' to get us...............yeah maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
Hotbad Peteel 15 May 2005
In reply to marie:

Hemp seeds are sold in most pet shops as bird seed as well as most fishing shops for bait. There great for fishing with but the plants that grow from them aren't exactly potent. I worked in a fishing tackle shop for my first ever job and we had loads of plants groeing out the back were we'd chucked rubbish out. They definitely grow into cannabis plants
uriel 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:
Yeah they're Illegal to germinate,,, LOL not that I'd bother when you can buy 'Mumbo' Weed seeds via 'tnet.

 Frank4short 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: Some slight clarification here cannibis is a type of hemp plant as opposed to hemp being cannibis. All hemp contains nominal amounts of cannibinoids (chemicals that you get stoned from in dope). However they're just that only nominal amounts. It's perfectly legal to grow domestic hemp AFAIK as basically it's useless for smoking as you'd have to smoke so much of the stuff to gethigh you'd probably get sick.

Hope this answers your question.

Frank4short ex-stoner
 Mehmet Karatay 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:

Growing hemp (without THC) used to be big industry. Lots of clothes and even rope were made from it... you've probably heard of hemp rope when reading about the history of mountaineering. Growing hemp is legal as long as it doesn't have high quantities of THC. Some shops sell lots of products like soap, paper, etc. made with hemp.

If you smoked the stuff you grew from the seeds it wouldn't do anything to you at all...

OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to Frank4short:
Thank you, that makes sense.
OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to Mehmet Karatay:
So it's a perfectly legal way to have a nice pretty cannabis plant?
I quite fancy that.
 ericoides 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:

hemp is generally cannabis sativa with virtually no thc (the psychoactive ingredient) in the female flowers, but containing a certain amount of cbd (an antipsychoactive compound). in the states this plant is called industrial or feral hemp and the government apparently spends a lot of pointless effort in eradicating it. the other cannabis you mention is generally either cannabis sativa or c.indica with high thc and low cbd content. the seeds don't contain the active ingredient.

this article is interesting on the difference between the two: http://www.naihc.org/hemp_information/content/hemp.mj.html
 Simon 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:

cannabis brain for bad is..... what was saying i??


OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to ericoides:
Wow, I feel quite well-informed now, cheers!
OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to Simon:
Sounds like you should get smoking some nice industrial hemp to counteract those dodgy active ingredients
 Simon 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:

bit stoned now!!

as bob dylan sed - everyone must get stoned!

In reply to gingerkate:

> So it's a perfectly legal way to have a nice pretty cannabis plant?

Have you ever smelt a cannabis plant in the domestic situation? Poo- eeh. Not nice. They're not the most attractive of house plants either. A mate and his flatmates used to have some plants in their flat a good while ago (not NOW, before PC Jailthehashfiend comes knocking). They reeked to high (sic) heaven. You could smell them on the landing downstairs before you even got to their front door.
That was some stinky green schidt.

OP gingerkate 15 May 2005
In reply to I am the God of Stratheyre:
That's funny, I've never noticed them smelling but maybe they were all bird seed ones and maybe bird seed ones don't smell? Maybe they only smell if they're proper cannabis ones full of the whatsit stuff?
In reply to gingerkate:

> That's funny, I've never noticed them smelling but maybe they were all bird seed ones and maybe bird seed ones don't smell? Maybe they only smell if they're proper cannabis ones full of the whatsit stuff?

Hey baby, maybe's you is too high to notice, fo' sure?

Aminal 15 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:

String and rope used to (and I believe can still be purchased) be made from hemp. Prob explains why everyone sucks the end of trying to thread it through a ikle hole.

StonedDeranger 16 May 2005
In reply to Aminal:

Cultivation of hemp is illegal in this country, that applies to industrial hemp and proper weed. There's a few studies being undertaken at the moment into growing hemp with low thc levels, but you need a license off the goverment to do so.
OP gingerkate 16 May 2005
In reply to StonedDeranger:
Oh so I can't grow it without a license. I expect that'll be because it's hard to differentiate the different sorts just on sight.
Right, hey ho, will resist the urge to plant the seeds then...
IainM 16 May 2005
In reply to ericoides: I'm glad someone pointed it out.

Hemp used to be grown on a commercial scale on a farm near Epping - which had a footpath running through it. I wonder if they stopped because of the obvious crop damage by individuals making the same mistake.

In addition Hemp/resin is replacing a fair few plastics these days so expect the acreage under cultivation to increase.
 220bpm 16 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:
if the hemp is of a sativa strain, then grow it next to an indica strain and hope the two mature into a male & female plant.

take the offspring from the two and grow that baby properly and you should get some nice weed.

for all you virtual grass growers out there try this:


 malk 16 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:
grow the real stuff and eat it or give away. you will be very popular
 malk 16 May 2005
In reply to malk:
btw i've got high from fishing tackle hemp plants. was quite a while ago though-things have probably changed
 MeMeMe 16 May 2005
In reply to StonedDeranger:

So if they found them growing wide-spread somewhere would they herbicide the whole area?

I'm just thinking of how much nicer Caley would be without all that bracken...
unclefib 20 May 2005
In reply to ericoides: what would you know about it?
whizzy 20 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: Hemp is a form of grass but it is only illegal to grow or sell it. Seed are not the plant or grown, so they can be sold as a herb in there own right, like chilly seeds if you do grow them you are then breaking the law hope this helps

No Fear
StonedDeranger 20 May 2005
In reply to unclefib:

I guess the short answer would be not alot.
 Flatlander 20 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: not all hemp is illegal, hence why you can buy hemp pants, rope hemp seed oil list goes on. Basicly it can not creat a plant with THC the chemical that makes you high.
 ericoides 20 May 2005
In reply to unclefib: what would you know about it?

a lot more after reading this:

Dans le laboratoire, Mechoulam a converti l'acide de CBD aux acides de THC en exposant une solution d'acide de CBD dans le n-hexane à la lumière ultraviolette de 235-285 nm. pour jusqu'à 48 heures. Cette réaction utilise les molécules d'oxygène atmosphériques (02) et est irréversible; cependant, le rendement de la conversion est seulement de 15% acide de THC, et une partie des produits formés dans l'expérience de laboratoire n'arrivent pas dans habiter de spécimens. Quatre types de isomers ou les variations insignifiantes d'acides de THC (THCA) existe. Delta1-THCA et Delta6-THCA arrivent naturellement isomers de résulter de THCA des positions du lien double sur le carbone 1 ou carbone 6 de la portion de geraniol de la molécule qu'Ils ont approximativement le même effet de psychoactive; cependant, Delta1-THC acide est de quatre fois plus courant que Delta6-THC acide dans la plupart des tensions. Aussi les formes d'Alpha et Bêta de Delta1-THC acide d'acide et Delta6-THC existe par suite du juxtaposition de l'hydrogène (H) et le carboxyl (COOH) les groupes sur le olivetolic la portion acide de la molécule Il est soupçonné que le psychoactivity de l'un et les formes de ß du THC les molécules acides ne varient pas probablement, mais ceci n'a pas été proven. Les différences subtiles dans psychoactivity pas détecté dans les animaux par les instruments de laboratoire, mais souvent discuté par marijuana aficionados, pourrait être attribué aux effets de synergistic supplémentaires du quatre isomers d'acide de THC. La psycho-activité totale est attribuée aux proportions du cannabinoids primaire de CBC, CBD, THC et CBN; les proportions de méthyle, propyl, et pentyl homologs de ces cannabinoids; et les variations de isomeric de chacun de ces cannabinoids. La myriade combinaisons subtiles sont

Sûr d'exister. Aussi, terpenoid et les autres composés de aromatic pourraient éliminer ou potentiate les effets de THCs. Les conditions écologiques influencent cannabinoid biosynthesis en modifiant les systèmes de enzymatic et la puissance résultante de Cannabis. Les hauts environnements d'altitude sont souvent plus aridecontines et exposés à la lumière du soleil plus intense qu'abaisse des environnements. Les études récentes par Mobarak et al. (1978) de Cannabis grandi dans Afghanistan à 1,300 mètres (4,350 pieds) le show de elevation qui significativement plus de propyl cannabinoids est formé que le pentyl homo-note respectifs. Les autres tensions de ce domaine d'Asie ont exposé aussi la présence de propyl cannabinoids, mais il ne peut pas être escompté cette altitude pourrait influencer quel sentier de cannabinoid biosynthesis est favorisé. La production de résine de faveurs de Aridity et la production de cannabinoid totale; cependant, il est inconnu si les conditions aridecontines promeuvent la production de THC en particulier. Il est soupçonné qu'augmenté le rayonnement ultraviolet pourrait affecter la production de cannabinoid directement. La lumière Ultra-violet participe dans le biosynthesis d'acides de THC des acides de CBD, la conversion d'acides de CBC aux acides de CCY, et la conversion d'acides de CBD aux acides de CBS. Cependant, il est inconnu si augmenté la lumière ultraviolette pourrait changer cannabinoid synthesis de pentyl à propyl pathways ou influence la production d'acide d'acide de THC ou CBC au lieu de l'acide de CBD. La proportion de THC à CBD a été utilisée dans la détermination de chemotype par Petit et les autres. L'incapacité génétiquement déterminée de certaines tensions pour convertir l'acide de CBD à THC les marques acides les un membre d'un chemotype de fibre, mais si une tension a la capacité génétiquement déterminée pour convertir l'acide de CBD à l'acide de THC alors il est considéré une tension de médicament. Il s'intéresse aussi pour noter que Turner et Hadley (1973) a découvert un

StonedDeranger 20 May 2005
In reply to ericoides:

What? Have you put that in French just because it has nothing to do with it? So what if some guy in a lab managed to convert CBD to THC, what's that got to do with different strains of cannabis? Or what constitutes industrial hemp and whether it's legal to grow it.
 ericoides 20 May 2005
In reply to StonedDeranger:

what unclefib said made me laugh; this picked up on something we were discussing earlier

I metioned above some relevant points about the difference, and referred people to an interesting article which shed more light on it than I could

seems reasonable
 Matt 20 May 2005
In reply to StonedDeranger:
"A few studies...."

It's abit more than that, we've been growing acres of the stuff since about '95, as have loads of other farms. It is controlled by licence and has no drug content but it is pretty nice to have several football pitches of 14ft hemp growing.

There have been a few problems such as a field near Baldock being distroyed by local kids thinking they'd hit rich and some stupid soap dodgers parking their caravan in a field of it in Essex thinking they were on for a big high...

These guys arrange the contracts-

As for growing it - still illegal without a government licence and certified seeds.
StonedDeranger 20 May 2005
In reply to ericoides:

Fair enough.
StonedDeranger 20 May 2005
In reply to Matt:

Last I hear it wasn't quite on that scale, but that was a few years ago. As you say, you need a license for it. Ever thought of getting some 'proper' seeds and hiding them in the fields somewhere? Be the perfect cover, unless some kids struck it lucky.
mik 20 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:
there is more variants, cant remember if its actualy modified or not. but u can get hemp which will not give u anything to smoke.
and im pretty sure thats the kind they sell.
djviper 20 May 2005
In reply to mik: the bit of the plant with the thc in is the bud, hemp doesnt grow a bud in the same way as a normal female cannabis plant
bangbangchickhen 20 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: You can buy better quality seeds online, probably a wee bit more potent than sainsburys.
unclefib 21 May 2005
In reply to ericoides: you can't end a sentence with un, it's not British!
djangofud 21 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate:
> (In reply to Mehmet Karatay)
> So it's a perfectly legal way to have a nice pretty cannabis plant?
> I quite fancy that.

You're such a middle-aged rebel.
 Dave Stelmach 21 May 2005
In reply to gingerkate: Try chewing a handful & see what happens!

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