OMM Kamleika 5th Generation Opinions

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 GangleAbout 11 Mar 2022

I'm looking at the OMM 5th Gen Kamleika Jacket as my previous Gen version needs replacing. I've read other forum posts slating OMM's quality so was wondering if anyone reckons the 5th Gen is worth going for? 

If not, what would people recommend? I've also got the Ronhill Shakedry and North Face FutureLight on my radar too. 

 ablackett 11 Mar 2022
In reply to GangleAbout:

I had a Kamleika about 12 years ago which was great. Lasted about 4 years of heavy use and was waterproof.

Since then me and the wife have had about 4 between us which have all been terrible, leaked from day 1.

Ive got a Montane minimis now which seems good: 

 DaveHK 11 Mar 2022
In reply to GangleAbout:

I don't know what gen my last one was but it was pants, started to fall apart after about 4 days. I'd only consider another if I heard very different reports 

 Bezz 11 Mar 2022
In reply to GangleAbout:

I've got the blue and orange kamleika (think that's the current generation?). I had to return the first one I had as the cuffs started to unstitch after just one use, the replacement has barely been used so can't comment beyond that. Shame the quality appears to have declined as I'm keen on OMM as a brand and would buy other things if I felt it would last

Post edited at 16:22
 probablylost 11 Mar 2022
In reply to GangleAbout:

I've got an inov-8 storm shell which I'm pretty happy with. Think it depends on where you want to be on the protection/durability/weight spectrum.

In reply to GangleAbout:

I'm in the process of writing up a review of the Montane Spine Jacket, which I've been mightily impressed with. It's the first time I've used Gore Active and it's exceeded all expectations. It's done a good job of repelling some pretty monumental rain (February was a good test of that), but also - due to its breathability - works well on more marginal days where you could use a windproof (but want a bit more protection). It's also much softer/quieter than other Gore membranes and doesn't feel quite as much like chain mail or battle armour.

If you want any more info maybe drop me a DM and I'll send you a link to where the review is up to, as that may answer any remaining questions you do/don't have.

 SFM 11 Mar 2022
In reply to probablylost:

Another vote for the Inov8 stormshell. I’ve mainly used mine for running/running competitions rather than general use and been happy too.

 plyometrics 11 Mar 2022
In reply to ablackett:

Same here. The OP would be better off using bog roll than any new iteration of the Kamleika. Such as a shame, as it was a brilliant jacket.

 Kalna_kaza 11 Mar 2022
In reply to ablackett:

I wonder what is behind the poor product quality? Change in material, factory acceptance criteria, different factory? It seems very short sighted for a brand like OMM to sacrifice quality and performance given the niche market of ultra events where performance is everything, price is secondary. Especially when there's a plethora of alternatives, very strange given the target audience.

 Ridge 11 Mar 2022
In reply to Kalna_kaza:

> I wonder what is behind the poor product quality?

Good question. I can't help thinking it's the obsession with ultralight gear, (or more uncharitably, we know our product has market penetration so we'll see how far we can cut corners before someone points out the emperor has no clothes).

"This is the lightest iteration of our mega bombproof product X!"

"But it's crap compared to the old version!"

"Never mind the quality, look how light* it is!"

*I have no ideal what a Mark 5 Kamleika weighs, but the poor reputation of the later models puts me off even considering buying one.

 DaveHK 12 Mar 2022
In reply to Kalna_kaza:

> I wonder what is behind the poor product quality? 

I thought the problem was the combo of very stretchy fabric and not very stretchy stitching causing the stitching holes to widen quickly.

OP GangleAbout 12 Mar 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Thanks, I've sent you a message. 

I didn't realise this coat even existed and if it's done great with February's weather then that's a bonus. I was wet and cold within about 20 minutes each time I went out in it in my Kamleika... 

How durable is it? I'm not the most cautious when running through wooded areas and I'm also not a fan of the running vest under a coat unless I know I'll be taking it off once the rain has passed.

 Matt Podd 12 Mar 2022
In reply to GangleAbout:

Agree with all the negative comments about the recent versions of this jacket. And with the old one you used to be able to velcro the hood away. Now it flaps around on windy runs and belts you in the face - very annoying.

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