Imogen Boddy 3 Peaks Running Record

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 petegunn 18 May 2024

Is anyone else following Imogen's attempt at breaking the current record of running all of the 3 Peaks challenge?

I think the current womens record stands at 7 days and 31mins set way back in 1979 by Ann Sayer.

Shes currently in Milnthorpe Cumbria after 4 days running and heading south to Wales for her last summit. 

See started at sea level in Fort William and will end at the coast in north Wales.

Tracker here:

Post edited at 23:19
 lowersharpnose 19 May 2024
In reply to petegunn:

She appears to be going great guns.  If I am reading this correctly, she has covered 526km (out of in 4 days 13hrs 30mins.  She has ~ 160km to go, about 100miles, including up and over Snowdon.

 montyjohn 20 May 2024
In reply to petegunn:

I wonder if the weather has been a blessing or a hinderance?

Dry and firm trails, but a lot of sun and heat.

Daft question but will she actually run on steeper ground? Or would this be too much of a penalty for her longer goal? 

 CantClimbTom 20 May 2024
In reply to montyjohn:

Looking at her progress she's as tough as nails, probably runs even faster up the steeper hills 🤣

OP petegunn 21 May 2024
In reply to petegunn:

Shes done it 6 Days, 5 Hours and 43 Mins taking 18 hrs off the previous women's record. 🥳👏💪

 Harry Jarvis 22 May 2024
In reply to petegunn:

Remarkable achievement. Imogen was on Women's Hour this morning - 10:04 onwards. 

In reply to petegunn:

Total machine. Didnt she do some crazy length of Britain run at some point too?

Edit: Google says she ran the length in 20 days. Blimey

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