Croatia trail running

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 James Gordon 04 Aug 2023

PlNning an October trip to Split/Brac. Any reccomendtions for trail/hill runs in that specific area? Or useful resources?

Many thanks in advance!

 Matt Podd 04 Aug 2023
In reply to James Gordon:

The is a good network of well marked trails. Good large scale maps are available. Not sure if you can get them in the UK (but probably), if not get them locally. If your on the limestone - be careful not to fall over as its really sharp. Lovely area up in the mountains

 alicefla 17 Aug 2023
In reply to James Gordon:

Sounds like you're planning an exciting trip !

Both locations offer some beautiful trails and hills like Marjan Hill with varying levels of difficulty. I liked also Park Forest Marjan and Vidilica Hill. 

For Brac, i do nt know so much but some friends appreciated Vidova Gora

Have a good trip then

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