main takeaways from survey about recreational climbers

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Hi climbers, 

some time ago I shared a link to a survey about recreational climbers' attitudes and lifestyles. Thank you to everyone who participated! 

Quite some people were interested in the results, so we’ve summarised the 5 main takeaways from the survey in the file attached below. Check it out–you might learn some surprising insights about our climbing community!

Keep in mind that this survey reflects a specific group of climbers, mainly from Western cultures, based on where the survey was shared. As such, it may not be representative of the entire climbing community. The survey respondents were mostly experienced climbers. Many have been climbing for more than six years, and most climb at least once a week. There was a fairly balanced split by age and gender. The respondents reported climbing both indoors and outdoors, with a focus on bouldering and rope climbing. Despite their regular climbing habits, most climbers don’t follow a formal training plan—they're in it for the fun!

If you have any questions or want more detailed information about the survey results or the project, don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]/ [email protected].

Thanks again for contributing to better understand recreational climbers!

 Offwidth 04 May 2024
In reply to Jana Unterholzner:

Thanks very much. So often we hear nothing.

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