Rock Climbers in Cheshire near Helsby or Frodsham?

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 Stani49 24 Aug 2011
Hey guys,

I'm a very passionate outdoors enthusiast and began climbing in October last year. Since then I've hardly climbed but seconded my first HVS 5a in July! Since then I've done 3 days in the Lakes seconding with an instructor (that's how I started). Done a few routes at Helsby up to VS, plenty of VS routes at Shepherds in the Lakes, been to Awesome Walls Stockport a few times too. I've also got a climbing wall at home. I've checked out Frodsham too- the routes here are good but I think they need to be roped, the fall potentials are just too big. I'm not a very proficient boulderer yet. I'd be happier going with someone. But the thing is I want to climb a lot more too so I can get better but don't know any other climbers and none of my family will take me regularly enough. I'm doing the Old Man of Hoy with Tim Emmett next July which is a 5b route and need to climb more so I improve my skills ready for then. I really need a bouldering or climbing partner who is local to Frodsham and Helsby crags (both accessible with good routes). I live local to them and I'm free on weeknights and Sundays. I'm pretty adventurous, chilled and friendly- but I need to climb! Anyone else local fancy coming with me or inviting me along with them and their friends? Any one would be great but preferably someone comfortable with setting up top ropes and climbing better than me (shouldn't be hard to find!)

Cheers guys, if you'd rather email me just ask,
In reply to Stani49:
There are lots of climbers around Helsby and Frodsham. Mostly we solo stuff at these venues but particularly at Helsby there are quite a few of us that use a rope. Quite a few of these local climbers, including me, meet regularly in the back room at the Ring o'Bells in Frodsham sometime after 9 pm every Thursday (i.e. when we get back from the crag or in winter an indoor wall).

Also it is worth remembering that there are plenty of safe (low) bouldering options that can be tried without a rope if you are alone. Examples at Helsby are the very top tier (just below the trig point) and the small buttresses in the trees to the right of the main crag. Harmers Wood is another local venue but there is not so much there for beginners without a rope. Although Frodsham is intimidating to solo unless you can do 5b or more (and get the numbers from a local or they feel harder) it has plenty of low level traverses that can be tried safely with good benefit to strength and technique. Also don't forget Pex Hill for bouldering.
OP Stani49 25 Aug 2011
In reply to harold walmsley:

Thanks for the message Harold. I've been over to Frodsham a few times and seen people soloing. I've seen a few doing it at Helsby but it's a bit too high for my liking... I'll have a look at the bit you mentioned. As for the traverses I have done this before for building strength but I get bored after a while. I've tried soloing V.Diff routes down there, and they're fine and manageable, but I just can't finish them because the last moves are always quite high up. The fall factor is quite high and I don't want to risk falling off on my own

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