Old Climbonline Topos

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 MTL 14 May 2024


Does anyone have any of the old topos that used to be on Climbonline and are no longer available they could maybe share please?

Im specifically interested in the Hudeshope (Monk's Moor Boulders) and Fell End boulders topos if anyone has those as I can’t seem to find them anywhere anymore.



 Steve Crowe Global Crag Moderator 14 May 2024
In reply to MTL:

There's some old Mini Guide PDFs on my website here


They are quite out of date now so they are punished as a historical record. Some climbs have fallen down and many new problems have been added over the last decade or so.

OP MTL 14 May 2024
In reply to Steve Crowe:

Fantastic, thanks Steve.

I was having a browse on your site earlier reading the Goldsborough history article but somehow managed to miss the topos tab.

Thanks again,


 petegunn 17 May 2024
In reply to MTL:

Some footage of a few problems at Monks Moor & Low Carrs here:


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