Langdale - Unknown climbers

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 Andy Cloquet 17 May 2024

Were you and your partner on Raven Crag (Langdale)above ODG on Thursday 16th - PM? Name the route (edited in the image, here) you were on and if you want, I can share a couple of photos taken of you both climbing. 

 veteye 18 May 2024
In reply to Andy Cloquet:

Isn't that the classic severe, whose name I've currently forgotten.

Not that remarkable a photo. Was it from too far distant, hence the less good focus, on a mobile phone?

 Mark Eddy 18 May 2024
In reply to veteye:

Aye it's Original Route

 bleddynmawr 18 May 2024
In reply to Andy Cloquet:

The same Andy Cloquet that used to teach in Ewell?

 Doug 18 May 2024
In reply to bleddynmawr:

& used to be a student at Stirling Uni ?

OP Andy Cloquet 22 May 2024
In reply to veteye:

So what that it isn't remarkable? 

The point about my post was neither flagging any claim for quality nor was it inviting critique but of course, in the absence of knowing the climb's name you chose to write something worthless. 

BTW: the image was edited for the purposes of the Post but then did you read the Post which clearly say this?

Hey ho. 

As for the climbers, they were interested if only as a record shot. 

Post edited at 18:16
OP Andy Cloquet 22 May 2024
In reply to bleddynmawr:


OP Andy Cloquet 22 May 2024
In reply to Doug:

...and you might be Doug Evans / Enviro Science? 

 Doug 22 May 2024
In reply to Andy Cloquet:

Environmental Science & Biology although it does seem a long time since we were students.

OP Andy Cloquet 24 May 2024
In reply to Doug:

Too long ago, Doug. I first met you on a driech which turned into bleedin' wet trip on the Aonach Eagach (so typical of students then to offer such a trip as the first outing of the year inc. 1st years!) with Pete Bilsborough (Researcher / Sports History and damn good climber) and a guy whom I later knew of through Ochils MC member Geordie Skelton but whose name escapes me. Because I'd been climbing for some years, I was a tad more experienced than most on the trip and Pete asked me to accompany two newbies who were clearly out of their depth. Anyway, you may recall, the trip was abandoned and we, correctly headed down without descending Am Bodach. 

You, I recall, had two research trips to The Alps which enable you to climb; perhaps more than research? 

OP Andy Cloquet 24 May 2024
In reply to Andy Cloquet:

...and who are 'you' behind this presumably Welsh pseudonym? 

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