Jump! (2001) - Where can I watch the legendary film?

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 Tom F Harding 09 Apr 2024

I've been trying to track down a copy of the film Jump! (2001). A legendary documentary about Czech sandstone tower jumping by John Catto and produced by Alpenglow Film. It occasionally appears on the 'greatest climbing films ever made' type lists but I've not been able to find a copy anywhere. Any suggestions?

In reply to Tom F Harding:

I'm sorry i'm of little help. Just leaving a comment to bump the thread/ follow for interest.

OP Tom F Harding 15 Apr 2024
In reply to Tom F Harding:

One Jump! (bump) for luck... 

Post edited at 14:54
 Duncan Bourne 15 Apr 2024
In reply to Tom F Harding:

Not John Catto but similar


 Aigen 22 Apr 2024
In reply to Tom F Harding:

Why don't you email John via his email address on his website here.


 Frank R. 22 Apr 2024

Its co‑author, Allen Frame Hill, sadly died a few years back, so the rights might potentially still be stuck in some sort of a legal limbo, who knows...

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