Harpur Hill - new routes?

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 Adam15 19 May 2024

Was at Harpur Hill today in the Retreat area and there is a section of wall to the left when you’re looking into the Retreat Quarry bit that is not in the guidebook and I can’t find the routes in UKC. 
They look fairly newly bolted, does anyone have any ideas what these are? Or if they are on UKC and I’ve just missed which section they are in?  Thanks. 

 Luke90 19 May 2024
In reply to Adam15:

Have you tried Gary Gibson's site? 


OP Adam15 19 May 2024
In reply to Luke90:

Thanks for this! Have found them now, not sure on the grades but enjoyed the climbs 

 Gary Gibson 20 May 2024
In reply to Adam15:go to my website rather than this one sportsclimbs.co.uk

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