Hadrian's Wall

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 Andysomething 13 May 2024

Out at Peel Crag yesterday.  Numerous (over a dozen) blocks from Hadrian's Wall have been prised loose and lobbed down the grass slope at the top of Peel Crag.  As far as I could see none had made it over the edge but one was right on the lip above Overhanging crack so we shifted it out of the way.  This morning I rang the National Park office who said they would inform the Park Rangers.

 profitofdoom 13 May 2024
In reply to Andysomething:

What have the Romans ever done for us?

PS I got a history O level so no jokes please 

 ablackett 13 May 2024
In reply to profitofdoom:

I was reading today about how Roman rockets never took off because their number system didn't have a zero.

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