good climbs for bad weather borrowdale

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 scotlass 06 May 2011
looking for good multi pitch climbs that are not too polished graded up to VS, that will be ggod climbs in bad weather. any suggestions folks?
 CragRat11 06 May 2011
In reply to scotlass: troutdale Pinnacle direct
 ablackett 06 May 2011
In reply to scotlass: Corvus is a good day out at Diff. Or the Inside route at Doves Nest Crag over the other side of the valley is a great adventure.
 nastyned 07 May 2011
In reply to scotlass: Coruvs gets my vote too.
 Harry Ellis 07 May 2011
In reply to scotlass: The Inside route is a memorable outing (character building stuff), remember your headtorch though.
If you go up the rat hole and down the rabbit hole you can then go up again via the outside route D or Clubfoot MVS.

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