Climbing guide qualification in Portugal

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Hi there,

I am planning a trip to Portugal in September to do some rock climbing in Cascais, both bouldering and sports climbing. The lodge I've been in touch with offer day trips with 'qualified guides' but when I asked for a certificate of the instructor I was told there is no official certificate in Portugal for climbing instructors. Is this normal and are there any other ways to verify someone is qualified? Thanks!!

Post edited at 11:20
In reply to Marion Bisserier:

Hi Marion

Most European countries have some form of qualification for rock climbing, and some have a few for different aspects of climbing. where some of them differer is whether you need one by law to practice and how much that is enforced. 

So for example in the UK there is no legal requirement to hold any qualification, you just need to prove experience, but they do have some good qualifications suck as the RCI and MCI. Which is what most people hold.

For France on the other hand you need to by law hold a qualification that is recognised in France and they do enforce this. In Spain there is a legal requirement to hold recognised award but its down to different regions and they don't all enforce it.

Some awards such as mountain Guides are allowed to work in a range of countries.

I am not 100% sure about Portugal here is a link to their mountaineering federation, it looks like they do some awards but I couldn't see a climbing one just mountaineering -

Or you could ask on the Portugal climbing Facebook page -

If there is no Qualification or no legal need for one. Then they could just be using an experienced climber, Although its a bit checking saying they use qualified Guides, but then say they guides have no qualifications. 

cheers Rob

 Eciton 14 Aug 2022
In reply to Marion Bisserier:

As far as I know there is no formal certification of climbing instructors in Portugal. And if there is it has no value in terms of what they actually properly know. There are two climbing federations in Portugal disputing, for over 2 decades, the national representation for climbing and mountaineering. So, the sport never got any proper regulation and any certificates from any of the federations don't mean much. 

Having said this, there are a lot of people in Portugal that guide people for climbing that are very good and safe. You just will not get a proper certificate from them, not to their fault. 

You say that you are planning to be guided for Bouldering and sport climbing in Cascais. Most people guiding that I know will be good and safe for this as the spots do not really present much risk or any complications for guiding people. I am sure you will have fun and be safe.

If you really want some additional reassurance you can maybe ask for the name of the people/company that will guide you and look for online reviews.

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