Base jump from Troutdale Pinnacle

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 Patrick Surguy 11 May 2024

Pretty cool reels on Will Birkett's instagram of Callum Coldwell-Storry base jumping from Troutdale Pinnacle


 nikoid 11 May 2024
In reply to Patrick Surguy:


 petegunn 11 May 2024
In reply to Patrick Surguy:

Tom McNally filmed someone back in 2021 doing it from Troutdale Pinnacle, not sure if it was Cal or not though back then.

I think theres been quite a few spots opened in the lakes now, Raven Crag, Hodge Close,Gable etc. 

But totally agree with @nikoid - Nutter(s)! 

Post edited at 21:42
In reply to petegunn:

Nice! Wonder if that’s made it online anywhere?

I knew about Raven Crag having been jumped because years ago I was belaying my second up when a dude jumped over us!

 Liam Taylor 11 May 2024
In reply to Patrick Surguy:

What a man 😎

 George Ormerod 12 May 2024
In reply to Patrick Surguy:

Good to see he’s wearing a helmet. That should mitigate any risk 😉

 Alex Riley 12 May 2024
In reply to Patrick Surguy:

It's on Will Birketts Instagram.

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