Anyone climbing at Crag Lough today?

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 Dave Garnett 09 May 2024

If you were at Crag Lough today and we chatted as you topped out, what was the E1 you were on? 

Post edited at 21:21

 Allovesclimbin 10 May 2024
In reply to Dave Garnett:

Hi , it was me , topping out on Crystal (direct start and finish ) . Great conditions at the Lough for the next couple of days now ! 
Nice to chat - hope you had a good walk. 

 Allovesclimbin 10 May 2024
In reply to Dave Garnett:

Hello. It was Crystal ( direct start and finish). Hope you had a good walk . 

OP Dave Garnett 10 May 2024
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

Hi, it looked great, almost like sea cliff climbing.  It’s on my list for the next heatwave!

Here’s the final move…

 Lankyman 10 May 2024
In reply to Dave Garnett:

> Hi, it looked great, almost like sea cliff climbing

I once walked across the Lough on thick ice covered with snow. One of the most magical scenes I ever saw.

 Allovesclimbin 10 May 2024
In reply to Dave Garnett:

The ground under the crag is a pleasant boulder field leading to the water , it’s lovely to climb above, and occasionally you only have a hunting osprey for company. The crag excels at tough VS to E3 climbs , rather than the assumed easier routes that people associate with The Lough. You may find the rock lacks the friction you have on your grit at home but in general the routes are well protected. 
As you can tell , I love the place ! 

 DaveHK 10 May 2024
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

> As you can tell , I love the place ! 

I thought it was a great crag. Whinstone Churchill is a superb and superbly named route.

 Allovesclimbin 10 May 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

> I thought it was a great crag. Whinstone Churchill is a superb and superbly named route.

And the Direct Start (essentially a different route, closer E4!) is one of the best of it’s grade  in the County . 

 spenser 10 May 2024
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

The routes at VS above that I have done there seem much better than the low grade routes (Crystal and Pinnacle Face are both great!).

 Geordie 11 May 2024
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

You could try C'est la vie on Peel (5 mins from parking) Only waited 35 years for a second ascent !!!

 Allovesclimbin 11 May 2024
In reply to Geordie:

Reckon E4 more accurate! 

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