Remedy for a Tight Calf Muscle ?

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 barbeg 22 Jul 2015
Any physio's out there ?

I've had a tight right calf muscle for about 2 weeks now....apparently nothing serious and it's not stopping me doing's just, well, feeling tight. I've tried stretching, massage, manipulation, hot showers, brufen gel, deep heat etc, but it still feels, well, tight!

Any suggestions folks ?

 Andy Nisbet 22 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Be patient and keep doing the stretching.
 Timmd 22 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Keep stretching it.

 SouthernSteve 22 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:
Are you stretching the soleus as well as the gastrocnemius (bent knee calf stretches), that would be one possible explanation of the remaining feeling of stiffness. Warm up well before stretching this area and consider doing not just calf exercises but also the anterior muscles as well.

HTH Steve
PS Not a physio!
Post edited at 22:19
 The Lemming 22 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Get yourself a solid rubber ball, about the size of a cricket ball from a pet shop.

You're expecting a punchline, aren't you?

While sat on the ground, or with your leg resting horizontally, place the solid rubber ball under your calf and rest your leg on it. Try to move your calf around till the ball rests against the most painful, or tight knot that you can find.

The solid rubber ball will then act like a physo's hand/thumb and attempt to break down any tightness or knots.

It just so happens that I am doing this exercise right now.
 Timmd 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Try stretching the entire leg too, in doing ham string stretches?
Ferret 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Have you changed running shoes recently?

I went into Fellraisers last year which are lower (not hugely low admittedly) drop shoes and got a lot of stiffness in calf's. Persisted for a good few hundred miles and did lots of work on stretching but to no avail. Changed to speedcross 3 which are higher drop and stiffness has largely vanished, pretty much immediately.
Robyn Vacher 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Ice it after every run for 15 minutes or so (camping ice pack wrapped in a tea towel with my leg up on the settee). This is after you've stretched/rollered.
 IM 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Have you used a 'massage stick'? Great for calf muscles - and legs generally. I have one made by '66 fit' (46mm), does the job.
 krikoman 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

you should be veally careful with it.
 Oldsign 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Skip to 1:15
 The Potato 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

I've been there too, didn't find stretching to help, sometimes made it worse.
Similar to the ball and massage stick, id suggest a foam roller. That's what helps me most
 Cheese Monkey 23 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

Foam roller. Absolute agony but sorted out my constantly cramping calves.
OP barbeg 24 Jul 2015
In reply to Andy Nisbet: Be impatient? Never ANdy.....

jjmacewan 24 Jul 2015
In reply to Andrew Mallinson:

It might not be a tight calf muscle, may be a sign of Piriformis Syndrome.

As I understand it due to weak glutes your piriformis tightens and irritates the sciatic nerve leading to tightness and pain in the leg, usually hamstrings but often into the soleus and gastroc.

For years I was always bothered by 'tight calves', used to stretch and get occasional sports massage which seemed to keep it under control. A few years ago my right calf went tight and nothing seemed to sort it, I went to see a very good sports physio and he diagnosed it as a nerve issue, the sciatic nerve being pinched/irratated by the piriformis. Given various stretches etc to do but the most effective thing for me is sitting on a tennis ball which pinpoints the tight spot better than a foam roller.

To strengthen your glutes a miniband is very effective.

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