PS3 fan noise - info sources for solutions please!

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 ksjs 13 Apr 2012
Recently bought a used PS3. It has a fan noise problem, full speed after 5 mins. I took it apart and added fresh thermal paste but no improvement so I was after some good knowledge...

I had a look around and there's stacks of info on the web but much of it isn't that good: is there a good single source of info on how to troubleshoot / fix the fan noise problem?

Does anyone have their own suggestions for fixing this?

As for thermal paste, anyone got any knowledge of this, like does brand matter (I used Arctic Cooling MX-2), does how you apply it matter (some say spread it while others go for a blob)?

 Richard Carter 13 Apr 2012
In reply to ksjs:

I doubt it has anything to do with the thermal paste.

I'm assuming it's the older style 'big' PS3? They overheat quite easily sadly, one of the main downsides to watching Blurays on it. Mine used to be in a TV unit thing but would overheat after about 1 minute so I ended up putting it on the floor next to it. Not had any problems since.

Options I can think of:

1) Bigger fan. Can you fit a bigger, more slowly turning fan?

2) Change position/location. If you stand it on its side does the fan blow out the top? That would be the most efficient way of dumping the heat.

3) Swap it for the new style PS3 which is much much quieter.
 Richard Carter 13 Apr 2012
Forgot to put; I usually go for a blob with thermal paste, the pressure of the CPU/Heatsink will squish it to a thin layer anyways.
M0nkey 13 Apr 2012
In reply to Richard Carter:

There's a fix on the web somewhere (youtube i think) for putting a bigger fan in. It looked quite involved to me though so i chickened out. This is a problem which has annoyed me ever since i got my PS3. I have found that if you play games/watch movies at 720p it doesn't happen so it must be to do with the extra juice needed for full HD.

If you find an easy answer let me know!

Almost forgot, i bought one of the fans that plugs into the USB to see if that would fix it. It helps but doesn't eliminate the problem
 jkarran 13 Apr 2012
In reply to ksjs:

Do you mean the fan is noisy by design simply because it's shifting a lot of air (roaring/whistling)? Or is it faulty/worn and rumbling?

If it's the former, I guess you're pretty much stuck with keeping the thing well ventilated and the heatsinks clean unless you fancy trying to modify it improve the cooling somehow (sounds like you've tried already).

If it's the latter can you replace the fan, bearings or even just add a drop of oil to them?

OP ksjs 13 Apr 2012
In reply to Richard Carter: Yep, 40GB chunky PS3. I think you can get a fan with more blades but not a larger fan. This is an option but I think it might be a dead end.

Tried it again this morning (did thermal paste last night). Totally quiet: I had it on its end and it was in a much cooler room (we have a wood stove which we use for central heating and it makes the room very warm - I guess the PS3 hates this, this was on last night but not this morning). If it's a choice between central heating and PS3 I'm a bit beaten!

Can't really justify / afford a new PS3 so that's out. It does seem a bit strange that Sony built a machine that almost by design can't dissipate normal amounts of heat in normal domestic setting.

I've done a bit more digging and might go for a final mega clean: use compressed air, damp toothbrush for vents to trap dust, total vacuum, new thermal paste with blob technique and clamp bending. Failing that I'll just run some leads into the garden and play it outside on winter nights
OP ksjs 13 Apr 2012
In reply to M0nkey: Won't be getting a USB fan then - cheers.
OP ksjs 13 Apr 2012
In reply to jkarran: The fan is noisy by design and it kicks in way before it should i.e. after 5 - 10 mins. I think the only solution is to stop the fan having to work hard in i.e. keep it all really clean.

Apparently the thermal paste used by Sony is poor quality so I guess this has created quite a few of the problems people have had.

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