Insurance green card

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 henwardian 16 Oct 2023

On the Green Card for motor insurance there is a grid with the abbreviations of loads of different countries. As far as I understand it (and this seems illogically hard to verify), if a country is not crossed out then you have the minimum 3rd-party insurance that is legally necessary to drive your vehicle in that country. If the country _is_ crossed out, then you do not have the minimum insurance to drive your vehicle in that country and you'd need to stop at the border and buy supplementary insurance before crossing.

I also understand that the green card has nothing to do with the fully-comp part of the insurance that is detailed elsewhere in the policy.

Is this all correct?

Because both my insurance broker and underwriter seem to believe something very different, though they are completely unable to explain how they think a green card works and it's left me very confused.

 jimtitt 16 Oct 2023
In reply to henwardian:

Yes and yes.

 neilh 16 Oct 2023
In reply to henwardian:

You no longer need a green card. Motor insuance policies extend to include the EU and provide the same cover and this was continued after Brexit.

OP henwardian 17 Oct 2023
In reply to neilh:

> You no longer need a green card. Motor insuance policies extend to include the EU and provide the same cover and this was continued after Brexit.

Thanks but the issue I'm having is not with EU countries.

 neilh 17 Oct 2023
In reply to henwardian:

Which country?

OP henwardian 17 Oct 2023
In reply to neilh:

Everywhere in the Balkans but the countries they are obfuscating about are Turkey, North Macedonia and Albania.

They have said they won't cover Kosovo, which is fair enough and easy enough to avoid.

OP henwardian 17 Oct 2023
In reply to jimtitt:

> Yes and yes.

Thanks. That gives me a bit more confidence.

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