early breakfast dumbarton/loch lomond area

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 buzby 13 May 2015
having returned to the hills after a long lay off i used to stop in Dumbarton at the little chef on the way up north for a breakfast.
i see its now become a costa coffee and was wondering if anyone knows of a decent cafe that does early breakfasts i could stop at on the way through in the Dumbarton/ loch lomond area.
the only thing google throws up is a 24 hr mcdonalds in Balloch.
hoping for somewhere thats opens around 7, even a greasy spoon will do.
 Fraser 13 May 2015
In reply to buzby:
There's a Morrisons just a bit further along the road in Dumbarton itself, if you can stoop to it. That would do you for breakfast, not sure about the quality of coffee though.

Edit: just checked, it doesn't open till 8am, sorry.
Post edited at 22:25
Weegie 14 May 2015
In reply to Fraser:

Malt & Myre Brewer's Fayre beside the Premier Inn and Costa just off the A82?


Or the Coachhouse Coffee Shop in Luss if you can make it that far (not sure about opening hours though).

OP buzby 14 May 2015
In reply to Weegie:

cheers guys will check them out.

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