Doctors strike, not in the news

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 climb the peak 28 Feb 2024

I was climbing with some doctor friends this weekend and apparently there's a several day junior doctors strike on at the moment!

I don't follow the news very closely, just visit The Guardian / BBC news online once a day or so and listen to the news when it's on the radio. But I haven't seen anything on there about the doctors strike.

I'm surprised this is isn't first page (or at least second or third page) news!

Any ideas why news agencies haven't been bringing this information to the publics attention?



 kevin stephens 28 Feb 2024
In reply to climb the peak: it was big news on Sunday

 Stichtplate 28 Feb 2024
In reply to climb the peak:

> Any ideas why news agencies haven't been bringing this information to the publics attention?

It’s their 10th strike. The media gets bored.

It draws attention to NHS wage erosion in an underfunded system. This doesn’t play well in right leaning media,

They’re asking for 35%. This doesn’t play well in left leaning media.

In reply to kevin stephens:

Thanks, I did read that article, but I had to search specifically for it instead of passively scrolling and having it fed to me :p 

In reply to Stichtplate:

Good points. For what it's worth I'm fully in support of the doctors strike, but it seems like they might not be going about it the right way if it's not generating much awareness outside of people who know doctors, or have had important medical care postponed :/ 

 kevin stephens 28 Feb 2024
In reply to climb the peak:

I don’t know why the union refuse to put the Government’s latest offer to a members’ ballot?

 kevin stephens 28 Feb 2024
In reply to climb the peak: it was on the front page on Sunday’s news, the BBC do seem focused on Harry’s court defeat today 

Post edited at 17:07

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