Beetroot Juice

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 mypyrex 21 Sep 2012
There are a lot of suggestions that it's good for you - lowering blood pressure etc. and I must admit I like the taste, having bought bottles from Holland and Barrett(the down side is that it turns your pee red)

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knows if it's available in capsule form.
 Glen 21 Sep 2012
In reply to mypyrex:

It certainly is.
In fact you can make the capsules yourself, using just soil and water:
OP mypyrex 21 Sep 2012
In reply to Glen:
> (In reply to mypyrex)
> It certainly is.
> In fact you can make the capsules yourself, using just soil and water:

Oh that's so funny, I'm sure you spent all evening thinking that one up.

 riddle 21 Sep 2012
In reply to mypyrex:

Morrisons have a cooked packet of them for a lot less than H&B. Just don't forget you had beetroot when you go to the loo!
OP mypyrex 21 Sep 2012
In reply to riddle:
> (In reply to mypyrex)
> Morrisons have a cooked packet of them for a lot less than H&B. Just don't forget you had beetroot when you go to the loo!

Yes but I'm really looking for something a bit more compact and travel friendly.

Removed User 21 Sep 2012
In reply to mypyrex: google has your answer

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