Apple pen equivalent for Android tablets

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 Toerag 05 Dec 2023

My daughter has decreed that she'd like an Apple pen for Christmas, but she uses an android tablet (Samsung A-something) which the Apple pen obviously won't work with.  Does the UKC hive mind have experience of an equivalent product? TIA

 gravy 05 Dec 2023
In reply to Toerag:

You have two options (I think)... either new tablet with a pen digitiser built in and a dedicated pen (expensive).

Or  a stylus (under a tenner) which just acts as a pointier finger and works on most screens.

Search amazon stylus pen and you'll find a bunch.

Fine for writing but doesn't do fancy touch sensitive painting type stuff.

Post edited at 14:20
 Fraser 05 Dec 2023
In reply to Toerag:

From memory, I don't think she'll get the full benefits from a proper Samsung stylus unless the tablet is of a certain spec. I'd find out first exactly what her tablet is then get an appropriate pen. Unless she just wants to use something instead of her finger and nothing more.

Edit: I bought a used one of these a few years ago from MusicMagpie and has been excellent, plus it came with a Samsung stylus:

Post edited at 17:01

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