Stuck Purple DMM Dragon Cam at Stanage Popular

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 ogaskell 11 May 2024

Inverted V (VS 4b)

Got a purple DMM Dragon stuck in Inverted V today (11 May), 2 people tried to get it out with no luck. Took the snapgate off so there's no tape or tag on the cam. If anyone can get it out, please let me know, it'd be much appreciated if you could return it! I'll pay postage or come pick it up if you're in the area. 

 John Kelly 12 May 2024
In reply to ogaskell:

19 yr old asks for help, don't understand the down votes

 Andy Hardy 12 May 2024
In reply to John Kelly:

+1. The OP was polite too, always a bonus.

In reply to ogaskell:

The vultures will most likely have swooped by now, but have a bump and keep your fingers crossed.

 DaveHK 12 May 2024
In reply to John Kelly:

> 19 yr old asks for help, don't understand the down votes

Everybody's got to learn sometime.


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