Stuck Grey Z4 Cam - Route B, Dewerstone, Devon.

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 JonHo 11 May 2024


Unfortunately, after completing my asent, my second was unable to retrieve my Grey Z4 Cam (Small) from Route B, Dewerstone, Devon. It may be too over-cammed to get out, but if anyone is able to get it out (or knows anybody who does), please let me know and I will sort you a little reward (£10) and I will come collect it.

Many thanks in advance.

 ElChapondo 13 May 2024
In reply to JonHo:

Hi, I was up at the dewerstone yesterday and from what it looks like route B was really busy, must have been 4 or 5 teams there just in the afternoon. I will probably be up there at some point this week and ill have a look for you, but some scavengers may have got there first. Just so I'm not scouring the entire route do you know where on the route it was??

OP JonHo 14 May 2024
In reply to ElChapondo:

Hey Man, thanks for your reply. I actually had a friends go up there the next day and he said it had already gone, so someone will be happy with the swag, or they may see this and message.

In hindsight, I should have abbed down and had a go at it myself.

Thanks for the message. Apologies, I'm new to the site/forum, I should have updated this.

 ElChapondo 14 May 2024
In reply to JonHo:

Sorry man, 

That stinks, hopefully with a bit of karma you'll find something to replace it.

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