Found, blue Black Diamond polycarbonate helmet Mowingword.

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 peaky 05 May 2024

Above Cormorant Flake.

found on 5/5/24

 Babika 12 May 2024
In reply to peaky:

Surely someone is missing their BD helmet?? Have a bump

 CantClimbTom 12 May 2024
In reply to peaky:

For a moment I wondered from the title if "helmet mowing word" was some sort of what three words location 

OP peaky 29 May 2024
In reply to peaky:

Still no response.

Shame, it’s in ‘hardly used’ condition.

Does anyone out there that wants it for the price of postage?

> Above Cormorant Flake.

> found on 5/5/24

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