Reading Climbing Partner For Outdoor Trips

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 samdelancey 18 May 2024

Based at Arborfield (10 mins south of Reading) for the next 5 weeks.

I've got no transport or climbing gear (just got my shoes and harness).

Long shot, but if anyone needs a partner for scrambling, trad, sport or bouldering I'm keen.

Schedule for the next 5 weeks is pretty much open all days of the week.

WhatsApps 07463396769

Thanks Sam

OP samdelancey 18 May 2024
In reply to samdelancey:


Have ML and RCI training (RCI assessment possibly September)

Lots of experience with sport climbing up to 6c and trad up to VS

Looking to push grades, visit new areas and tick multi-pitch classics 


 bpmclimb 19 May 2024
In reply to samdelancey:

Hi Sam. I'm based in the Lower Wye Valley, and quite often free midweek (especially Thursdays when I'm usually free but my partner often isn't). Occasionally at weekends too. Away next week (half-term) though, around before and after that. Brian

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