Joker. Clue in the title

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 mongoosekiller 08 Sep 2023

 Bought some. Threw them away. Awful. Like climbing in clown shoes.

 JimR 08 Sep 2023
In reply to mongoosekiller:

They are comfortable, though. I wear them when my feet are too sore to put on proper shoes😀

 Andypeak 08 Sep 2023
In reply to mongoosekiller:

What a waste, I'm sure someone would have made good use of them. I've climbed routes around the top of my grade in a pair and the reviewers on here didn't think they were so bad

 gethin_allen 08 Sep 2023
In reply to mongoosekiller:

I agree entirely, the rubber is terrible. Fortunately I didn't buy the ones I used and only borrowed them.

 wbo2 08 Sep 2023
In reply to mongoosekiller:

They're a pretty stock beginner all round shoe. Not exciting , but good enough if they fit you.

I recall from another thread you like unparalllel, even though they don't make anything comparable. If i had to wear unparallel shoes I'd give up climbing as they are , for me, a horrible, uncomfortable shoe with a toe of dead space where it shouldn't be,  At some point you learn that fit's worth more than fashion


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