Harness fitting

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 gliddell 10 Sep 2023

I went into a shop to try on and buy a harness today and particularly had my eye on the PETZL Adjama, but couldn't make a decision on sizing.

My measurements are on the boundary of S and M, so in theory both should fit right? I found the waist loop is at pretty much its tightest for the M, but the leg loops are loose. The S on the other hand has perfect leg loops but there's a feeling of the belay loop yanking down on the waist band when walking around (and I would like to do lots of walking around in it!)

Guy in the shop not particularly sympathetic to my indecisiveness. Anybody got any hints on adjusting fit? Should I just loosen off the leg loops on the S  a bit or something?

Borrowed harnesses always seem to fit perfectly whatever size they are and the ones in the shop all feel horrid 🤣

Post edited at 19:38
 petegunn 10 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell:

I'm not sure if any of the big companies do this but it would be great if you could get the S harness but switch the legs loops with the M ones or vice versa.

Lots of people have either small waists and big legs or big tummies and skinny legs.

Years ago I remember a friend swapping some over so that they got the best fit!

Post edited at 20:22
 jezb1 10 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell:

Sounds like you're probably best trying on some other models. 

 GrahamD 10 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell:

This.  Buy a harness because it fits, not because "you've had your eye on it  "

 Rob Exile Ward 10 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell:

They'll be people reading this who think you are me! I was trying on harnesses on Friday; I've decided to hire some harnesses at the local wall and buy the one that I feel most comfortable with actually climbing with. 

OP gliddell 10 Sep 2023
In reply to petegunn:

That actually reminds me! I borrowed a friend's mammut harness the other day and was baffled by the fact there was a buckle on the leg tie in point, which I guess would allow a switch over.

That harness was a great, but I can't find the model or equivalent in any shops near me.

And to GrahamD:

Duly noted. Fit and comfort don't seem to be entirely dependent on each other though and I'd like both of them + appropriate gear loops I tried a couple of others within a similar budget that fitted well, but were immediately uncomfortable when hanging!

 Rob Parsons 10 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell:

> Borrowed harnesses always seem to fit perfectly whatever size they are ...

If you borrow a harness and it feels good, why not just go to a shop, and buy that exact model and size?

In any event, don't agonize too much: gear is just a means to an end.

 phizz4 11 Sep 2023
In reply to Rob Parsons:

I have the same situation due to skinny thighs. Try a female version of the harness you are trying, they tend to have a longer connecting belay/abseil loop.

 echo34 12 Sep 2023
In reply to petegunn:

Edelrid do (or at least did) this, not sure if they still do. Was available on direct sales from them or from most European online shops. My Ace has S waist M legs 

In reply to gliddell:

I remember having a similar quandary with the Luna (not sure if that's the female equivalent) and often feel like harnesses are yanking down at the waist when I'm in the shop. I think I went with the smaller of the two at the time but that's probably not helpful for you as I'm sure it'll be a totally different fit (personally I went with the Petzl as it has a longer drop, v useful as a woman with hips).

Since buying it's been fine (other than the fact I really don't like the gear loops), and yet somehow it never opens wide enough to wiggle into it easily and never tightens enough to do up as much as I want round my waist. (Which is probably irrelevant to you.)

All of this to say - good luck; presuming you've done the standard Dirty Dancing lift of your mate so you can pull down the krab to dangle from the ceiling; strip right down; and then put on half the jackets in the shop, you are probably overthinking it as much as I did. 

In reply to Rob Parsons:

I think this is the same phenomenon by which any clothes knicked off a sibling fit perfectly and yet any pair of jeans ever on sale in any shop do not. I recommend theft.

 wbo2 12 Sep 2023
In reply to gliddell: I wouldn't be bothered if the leg loops are a bit slack as you can hold them up with the adjuster at the back, but pulling on the belay loop means it's going to be uncomfortable so IF you have to have the adjama, go up to M.

But you're better off trying some others and finding something you like 

Noone ever talks about fit of harnesses, just gear loops and such, but I can never , for example get comfortable in a BD harness. 

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