Flextail zero pump compatability?

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 stone0917 10 Dec 2023

Hi all,

I just got the flextail zero pump and it works great, it also comes with a battery that is rechargable with type C cable.

The only problem is that I got the new RAB ionoshpere 5.5 sleeping mat and the vale doesnt fit?

I can use one of the adapters when I have both valves of the pad peeled off (ie: air flows out once I stop the pump)

anyone ran into the same thing ? or any ideas for a solution?


 PJ2398 10 Dec 2023
In reply to stone0917:

Not sure what the valve is like on your pad but the pump only fits my neoair xtherm mat with the flexible grey adapter that came with the pump. It’s a bit fiddly to hold it on but it works.

 LastBoyScout 11 Dec 2023
In reply to stone0917:

No specific help, apart from try any other pump adapters you might have around or can source elsewhere.

Mainly, I'm happy to hear the pump works, as considering getting one - my Cubs keep turning up for camps with self-inflating mats and no idea how to use them!

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