FS: / For Trade -- BD Stopper set 5-11

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 Dave Baker SP5 (user since 05/Apr/21) 03 May 2024
Price: £45.00

I have a barely used set of BD Stoppers 5-11.  Only a couple have been placed and have light marking from it.  Bought to double up my nuts, but I since changed plan and want the second set to be DMM Wallnuts.

For sale or trade ... BD Stoppers 5-11 (banana finger price is £63.70)

Wanted ... DMM Wallnuts 1-6 (banana finger price is £52.79)

If you have lightly used dmms and want to trade, that's great.  I have a ballpark figure of £45 in mind to sell the BDs outright which gets me close enough to get the new ones separately.

In reply to Dave Baker SP5:

Too much hassle to try to arrange a trade for these.  Plain sale, £40 shipped for BD 5-11.

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