Patagonia/Tierra del Fiego

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 JB 15 Nov 2004
Thinking about taking some time off to explore South America and would like to do some trekking in the areas above (with girlfriend so probably no climbing). Keen to get away from the crowds if possible. Can anyone recommend some good guidebooks on the area? What's the Bradt like...any good?

 MikeR 15 Nov 2004
In reply to JB:
can't help you with any guide books, but if you are looking to get away from the crowds, the dentes trek on Isla Naverino (sp?) just south of Ushuia, is quite good, although i've only done part of it.
if you go the right time of year (i was there easter time) the torres del paine trek shouldn't be too busy, and is definately well worth it.
 Colin Wells 15 Nov 2004
In reply to JB:

I thoroughly recommend you get in touch with Luis Turi and Carolina Etchagoyan who have written a very good walking/biking/climbing guide to Argentinian Tierra del Fuego in English. You can email Luis on:

[email protected]

You could also check out the following website:

 Gav M 16 Nov 2004
In reply to JB:

The lonely planet patagonian andes guide is good enough for a trekking holiday.

When I was there (march / april) there were no crowds (and fabulous sunny, wind free weather) in Fitzroy / Paine. Best trekking I've ever done.

Flew into Rio Gallegos, Moreno Glacier, Fitzroy, Torres del Paine, Puerto Natales, Punta Arenas, Ushuaia.
OP JB 16 Nov 2004
In reply to JB:

Thanks guys...much appreciated!

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